Community Rehabilitation Program Participation Criteria
In order for an individual to safely participate in Peter’s Place Community Rehabilitation Program, the individual must meet the following criteria:
Be 18 years old or older;
Be a resident of Nova Scotia with a valid MSI card;
Provide medical documentation confirming diagnosis of an acquired brain injury by physician or nurse practitioner;
Does not present a harm to themselves or others;
Have some insight into their injury;
Be medically stable;
Be independently mobile with or without aids or with 1-person transfer with aids;
Demonstrates sufficient expressive and receptive communication skills (with or without aids) to participate and benefit from the program;
Acknowledges changes that have resulted from the acquired brain injury and is motivated to work towards goals for greater independence ;
Has an identified support system that is viable and sustainable;
Is willing to participate in a standardized assessment to determine level of support requirements and program goals;